Food and Fitness Advice From Others

Since starting this blog back in June, I have become somewhat immersed in the social media culture. I now regularly check certain blogs and even have a Twitter account – something I NEVER thought I would do. While it does take time to stay updated on all of this, I also love it because from reading others’ blogs/tweets/etc I have received so much good food and fitness advice/ideas/tips that I want to incorporate in to my own life. Here are the thingsI have heard recently:

  1. “The World is Your Gym” – blog post on the iRunnerBlog. Who says you have to be at a fitness center to do resistance training? Who says your only daily activity has to come during a scheduled workout? Not Me! Check out this post by Scott about some ideas on how to make any environment your gym!
  2. “What to Do with an Eggplant” – blog post by the Eating RD. So helpful, because I always seem to find myself wondering what the heck to do with those awkwardly shaped purple vegetables!
  3. Cycling Cadence 101 – I have been peer pressured in to doing a metric century ride in less than 2 weeks. I have a road bike. I ride it sometimes. I have zero clue about anything related to cycling…so this article was good for me! Here is to hoping that whatever amount of athleticism I have left is able to get me through this upcoming ride!
  4. Peanut butter tip (told to me in person by a fellow PhD student) – Drain the oil off the top of natural peanut butter and save it in a bottle. Then you have 1) Lower fat peanut butter and 2) Peanut oil to cook with. I thought this was GENIUS! I tend to drain off some of the oil anyway, but I never thought to save it!
  5. Now you may be wondering what the heck you need peanut oil for. Let me tell you. You need it so you can make the Swanky Dietitian’s Pecan Crusted Tofu Triangles! Seriously. Try it. Even if you think you hate tofu, give this a shot!
  6. Whole Foods Coupons – Thanks to the invention that is Twitter and the fact that I follow Whole Foods, I was alerted to the fact that the new in store value guide coupons are available on-line.
  7. Blueberry Basil Lemonade Fizz – aka, the lemonade that will make you never want another normal, powdered, lemonade mix again. Posted on the Peace, Love, Food blog – this recipe was just what I needed after spending an afternoon picking an insane amount of blueberries earlier this month!

What good food & fitness tips/advice/ideas/etc have you gotten recently?

5 thoughts on “Food and Fitness Advice From Others

    • Sajjad says:

      Hey i posted a video with a link that would be rlealy helpful on how to lose weight and it’s got things you probably don’t realize about weight loss. Just check out my video how to lose weight and click the link under it. it’s a rlealy great article about weight lossVA:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait…VA:F [1.9.10_1130](from 0 votes)

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