Train Like a Wrestler: Part 2 – Lifeproof Workouts

I just realized I have only had 5 posts here at DDD since the start of 2013. My apologies. Things have just been busier than before. Sadly, this meant having to stop writing a monthly column over at the iRunnerBlog too. Bear with me another month and a half until the semester is over, and there will be much more here on the blog! 🙂

Anyways, we are back again with Gene of Z-Fanatical Fitness for Part 2 in the “Train Like a Wrestler” series. This time to learn about LIFEPROOF workouts and go through the Killer QuadZ LIFEPROOF, No Excuse Workout. What, you missed Part 1?? Don’t fret. Just go catch up here. Then come on back and get ready for a killer workout! Turning it over to Gene in 3…2…1!


I was torn between calling Z-Fanatical the “No-Excuse workout” and “LIFEPROOF Workout.” I still use these terms interchangeably. No matter how you slice it, Z-Fanatical cuts through all the nonsense and leaves you starring in the mirror. These workouts can be performed anywhere, anytime, by anyone!

Let’s face it, people are busy. You may have an hour commute to work, stay at home with a newborn child, travel often, etc. etc. Whatever your situation may be, the number one excuse people give to not working out is, you guessed it, TIME. There’s simply not enough of it in a day. If only we had more time in a day… To improve physically, your exercise must be improved in at least one of the three domains: Intensity (how hard you exercise), Frequency (how often you exercise), or Duration (how long you exercise). In the success equation, frequency is the truest constant. In other words, you must exercise often to see success. So what are we left with? Duration and Intensity. You have two options: (1) exercise at an easy intensity for a long period of time OR (2) exercise hard for a short period of time.

Back to your time dilemma. If there is not enough time (duration) in the day, then the only variable we are left with is Intensity. By default, you are left with option 2: exercise hard for a short period of time.

You still have one major excuse left in your bag of excuses – you don’t have equipment. Maybe the gym is out of the way, or you don’t belong to one. Your neighbors may have equipment, but you don’t own any. Bottom line- you don’t need gadgets or time to exercise- you need Z-Fanatical Fitness: 10-minute isolation circuits that require absolutely no equipment whatsoever. All you need to bring is your courage. This is why I like “No Excuse Workout’- lazy people cannot say a word.


But, maybe you’re not an excuse maker. Maybe you exercise frequently, but today you truly are hard pressed for time and you cannot make it to the gym. Z-Fanatical Fitness is your back pocket workout since it is indeed “LIFEPROOF.” Ahhh, that’s why I like using this term. No matter what circumstance life throws at you, you never have to miss your legs day again. (Sorry for that…well, not really). Z-Fanatical Fitness has eleven 10-minute workouts isolating different muscle groups including Abs, Arms, Legs, Butt, Cardio, and Plyometrics. Each workout isolates a muscle group while enhancing your cardiovascular endurance.

Here’s an example of how you would use it: You would own the “The Z-Factor: The Missing Link Between You and the Body of Your Dreams” or the streaming videos on and then use them on a day (or everyday) you are pressed with time. Maybe it is a Wednesday and you don’t have time to do your leg workout at the gym, but you know you need to. Now, you whip out your Killer QuadZ workout and knock that all out in under 10 minutes. Problem solved!

And, here is that very Killer QuadZ LIFEPROOF, No Excuse Workout. There are 4 exercises: Squats, Jumping Lunges, Side to Side Squats, and Stars. You will go through this series of exercises for a total of 5 sets, with a 10 second rest in between sets. Your reps depend on your level. If you are on the Amateur Level, you will perform 3 reps of each exercise, Bronze is 5 reps, Silver is 7, Gold is 10, and Fanatical is 10 with an additional 6th set. I would recommend you begin at the Bronze level, or 5 reps for each exercise. In time you will Jump Levels as you burn fat, get stronger, and build endurance. I demonstrate the regular workouts, while Z-Coach Amy demonstrates the modifications. A description of each workout is attached. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the workout. You will soon realize that simple is not the same thing as easy…enjoy:

1. Squats- Ready position. Sit back on your heels. Squat as deep as possible (this is how low you will squat each time). Return to ready position and repeat to the number of prescribed reps. Figure 1.a, 1.b modified.

1.a and bFigure 1.a                              Figure 1.b

2.Lunges- Ready position. Jump into a lunge with one knee coming an inch from the ground (2.1a). Repeat movement to the other side (2.2a). *Modified*- Lunge forward and bend the knee as much as possible without pain (2.1b & 2.2b). Perform the prescribed number of reps.

2.a and b

3. Side to side Squats- Ready position. Hands over your head. Squat to right side with right elbow pointing straight (3.1). The right knee should fall between both elbows. Squat as low as possible (this is how low you will squat each time. Repeat to the other side (3.2). Perform prescribed reps.


4. Stars- Ready Position. Bend knees and squat down as your heels raise up (4.1a). Bend as low as you can go (this will be where you will jump from each time).  Touch the ground with both hands at your side [if you can bend that low, if not, let your hands just fall to your side]. Jump up from your toes into the air with your hands raising up (4.2b). Perform prescribed reps. *Modified* Jump as high as you can (4.1b & 4.2b).

4.a and b

If you are looking for more of these workouts that can be performed anywhere, anytime, by anyone- the videos can be found at

Lastly, I realize that I can serve this solution  to time and equipment to most people on a silver platter…and they still will not use it. (Here is where we go back to the starring yourself in the mirror) You are left with one conclusion- your own laziness, lack of motivation, or lack of discipline. Call it whatever you like. But it is no longer time, equipment, or the gym- it’s you! With no excuses left, we have effectively boiled it all down to your mindset. You cannot expect to see results if your mindset is not working with you. You will be like a racecar driver with the emergency brake on. Z-Fanatical Fitness will provide you next time with the 2nd Secret from Wrestling: Mindset Training. Stay tuned..Stay FANATICAL!

Tanya here: Thanks Gene, you rock! Until next time everyone, your homework is to do this workout! In your home, your office, while waiting in line at the post office (seriously, those lines get LOOOONG)…whenever, whereever…get it in!

Marathon Motivation Monday – Week 1

October 13th, 2012 is the date of the Baltimore Marathon – my first. I just started training yesterday using this plan from the iRunnerBlog (it includes 2 massages on the schedule – couldn’t beat that) and I am really excited about the next 14 weeks. I know it will be tough and that the craziness of my life and schedule will be a huge challenge. Therefore, I have decided to post a motivational quote and/or image each Monday along with a quick recap of how the previous weeks workouts went. This is mainly to help myself stay focused, keep my eye on the prize, and not slack off! That being said, I would love for you all to follow along with me on this journey and offer advice and encouragement.

Here is the quote I have chosen for the week to get me in the right frame of mind for the next few months:

I realize this image is a little out-of-place given that it is currently summer, but go with me here. There are a million reasons I could give for putting off training for and running a marathon. Too busy, don’t have enough of a base, will be hard to get long runs in during the school year, what if I have an exam scheduled/project due/etc the week before or after the race and it is too much to even take the time to travel to Maryland….and so on. Fact of the matter is, I think (and I hope) that my schedule will always be busy. There will always be a reason why “NOW” is not the “IDEAL” time. Too bad. Here goes!


DIY Flavored Waters: Cucumber Pear Mint and Lemon Raspberry

When it comes to beverages I typically choose water, with the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper thrown in to change things up. This is fine, but sometimes it is just plain boring which results in decreased intake and I end up going in to a workout feeling a bit parched or waking up flat-out dehydrated. I decided to take steps to fix that this weekend. Enter – DIY Flavored Water.

Step 1 – Acquire super cute pitchers.

I saw that Kristen had the stemless wine glass version a while back, and while searching the Pier 1 website, I discovered they had Liter sized glassware as well. Perfect for serving flavored waters in. I finally got around to going to the store yesterday and was ecstatic they had what I wanted. EDIT: If you are planning on going to Pier 1, check out the website for printable coupons 1st to save yourself some $$. Kate (you know, hott girl in a bikini from my last post) passed along that piece of advice to us!!

Step 2 – Purchase random produce and add to H2O.

I decided to make two different types: Cucumber Pear Mint and Lemon Raspberry Water. For the Cucumber Pear Mint I added 1/2 english cucumber, 1 pear, and about 12 mint leaves to 1 Liter of water.

For the Lemon Raspberry I added 1 lemon and about 3 oz. raspberries to 1 Liter of water. I let both chill in the fridge for a few hours. I have also refilled both containers a few times so far, keeping the original fruit/vegetables in them.

Step 3 – Enjoy and no longer worry about dehydration!

These flavored waters were just what I needed to encourage fluid intake throughout the day without resorting to a sugary drink (p.s. – thank you all for comments about my NYC sugary drink ban post). I REALLY like the crispness of the cucumber pear mint water and the addition of raspberries to typical lemon water.

I see more flavor water experimenting in my future. Ginger Peach,  Pineapple Mint, Blackberry Sage….the possibilities are endless!

Any flavored water “recipes” you recommend? How was your weekend – hectic, relaxing, active…a mix of all?